As you may know, HCCS have been working in conjunction with the London Chinese Catholic Community UK, the local NHS and Hackney public health to support our ESEA undocumented migrant community. We have helped over 1000 people since April 11, and we recently won funding to vaccinate the additional ESEA undocumented workers that are on our books.
We have become a trusted organisation by undocumented migrants, and they know that we are a safe intermediary between individuals and official organisations. On 27 June, we organised a big vaccination day for undocumented migrants. In the morning, over 270 people that we helped earlier in April and May came to receive their second AstraZeneca jabs.
In the afternoon, we helped over 100 people receive their first Pfizer jabs. As well as vaccines, we were able to offer health checks from a Chinese pharmacist, as well as a GP from Doctors of the World, answering questions on GP registration. In all, we completed 62 health checks. Many undocumented migrants had not been able to get access to any type of medical support since their time in the UK, so they were pleased to be receive this support.
Throughout this, our fantastic Instagram and volunteer community members rallied to give us support. 28 people gave up their time on 27th June to help us. They supported us by translating, stewarding and helping people complete surveys. We would like to thank them all for working so well together and for helping us run this large event so smoothly.
With the survey information, we would have more insight in how we can help this vulnerable part of our community on their health, mental health and practical needs. We will also continue to support our migrant community with second vaccines on Sundays throughout July.
A second vaccine day is being organised for those who received their first Pfizer doses, if you'd like to help out later on August 22, please email us and let us know.
If you would like to get in touch with us about this or speak to us confidentially, please contact Wai Ha Lam on 07761705553, where she will be able to support you if you need to be tested or are showing symptoms of Covid 19, or signpost you to further services.


为无证人士接种疫苗 过去多月,克尼华人社会服务中心与地区医疗服务,公共卫生部及伦敦华人天主教会携手为东南亚无证人士提供援助。 自4月至今,我们已协助了超过1000多名无证人士接种疫苗。 最近我们更获额外拨款,协助在我们轮候名单上等待接种疫苗的人士。.
这多个月的努力使他们确认我们是一个值得信任,能为他们在中间协调的组织。 在6月27日我们为无证人士举办了一个大型的疫苗接种日。 在早上,我们为270名人士接种第二剂的牛津疫苗,在下午再为100多名人士接种第一剂的辉瑞疫苗。 当日我们更安排了世界医生组织派代表在场为接种人士解答登记家庭医生疑问,也邀请了一位华人药剂师为在场人士提供基本体检。 当日62名无证人士获得此服务,他们感到很高兴,因为他们一般都较难享用英国的医疗保健服务。
今次的活动能得以顺利完成,实有赖及多谢28个义工响应我们在各不同媒体的召唤。 他们负责当日的翻译,问卷调查及维持现场秩序。问卷调查所得的资料会让我们更了解这群隐形社区人士在医疗、精神健康及其他生活上的需要。
我们亦将会继续在七月中多个的周日协助他们接种疫苗。 我们更会在8月22日为当日接种辉瑞第一剂的人士接种第二剂。 若你能在当日担当义务工作,请与我们联络。
联络。 她能操英语、普通话及广东话。