Today we had our AGM. The report for October 2018 - August 2020 follows:
1. Introduction
The last AGM reported that the HCCS was financially in a difficult position. The centre had to review its charging policies and started charging fees for its various activities to cover some costs; by improving its hall hiring facilities which generating incomes to help keep the centre running.
Over the past two year, we have vigorously pursued many funding applications. Our efforts yielded some limited success in winning small grants from Hackney Council, HCVS, GLA and the National Lottery. Our financial position is in a more stable position.
With a better financial position, HCCS developed many new services and projects, reached out to isolated sector of the communities we serve, and work in collaborate with the Hackney voluntary and community sector.
In 2018, we adopted the strategy to develop the Old Bath House (previously known as An Viet House) to become a resource centre for East and South East Asian communities. Hackney Council approved £400,000 for landlord works. We are raising fund for the interior renovation. HCCS is in discussion with Hackney Council to acquire the lease of the building.
1. 前言
在過去的两年中,我們亦大力推動向地方政府或慈善基金申請資助。我們的努 力獲得克尼市議會,克尼民間服務聯會,大倫敦市議會和國家彩票局的小額資 助,雖然只是有限的成功,我們的財務狀況相對穩定。
自2018年,我們採納了發展“舊澡堂”(以前稱為安越樓)的策略,發展為東亞/東南亞社區的資源中心。克尼市議會批准了40萬英鎊用於舊澡堂 的業主合規工程。我們現正籌集資金用於舊澡堂的室內改建和裝修。本會在與克尼市議會商討舊澡堂的租約。
2. Luncheon Club
The HCCS and AVF luncheon clubs are the anchor projects providing culturally appropriate nutritious hot meals to older members of Chinese and Vietnamese communities. HCCS runs three luncheons a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, prior to the lockdown in March 2020, the average users of the luncheon is 45 to 50 users a day.
Well beings and social activities are organised alongside the luncheon clubs encouraging social and mutual supports amongst club users. HCCS holds group birthday parties for members every quarter, organise festival events and short trips to encourage users active social interactions and reduce isolations.
The luncheon clubs is part funded by Hackney Council with Hackney Council for Voluntary Services as the lead organisation. In 2018, the Council reduced its funding to lunch club services and indicated that it will review this funding programme in 2021/22.
HCCS is seeking to move to the Old Bath House (previously known as An Viet House) to develop a community kitchen. Our plan is that the community kitchen can help towards sustaining the lunch club if the Council changes its funding commitments to the lunch clubs.
2. 長者午餐會
3. Health advocacy Service
The Health Advocacy Project is funded by the Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to provide interpretation advocacy service to Chinese speaking patients in accessing NHS primary care services. The Health Advocacy Service is a well established service that was serving around 35 patients each week.
In addition to interpretation and advocacy for patients, the project also organises annual eye tests, oral health training, regular general health talks and events throughout the year to raise community awareness on healthy lifestyles and illness prevent.
The project is a source in identifying patients with multiple social, economic and/or emotional problems exhibits in physical or mental health symptoms. This service referred a number of cases to the HCCS Advice Service to address patients’ underlying problems.
3. 保健傳譯、倡導服務
“保健傳譯、倡導服務” 是由國民保健服務Homerton大學醫院基金會資助,旨在為不懂英語的華人患者提供傳譯及倡導服務。保健傳譯、倡導服務己有三十年的歷史,平均每周為35位患者服務。
4. General Advice Service
HCCS maintained a General Advice Service without any funding for many years. From May 2019, we successfully applied for a small Advice Grant from the Council and started to fund this service to 8 hours a week, for two years. Since the beginning of this funding, HCCS dealt with 130 cases, on a range of issues, we have dealt with Benefit claims, homelessness, housing disrepairs, policing, racial attacks, domestic violence, immigration and asylum etc.
In 2020, there are three emerging demands in Advice Service:
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, HCCS received a number of reports from members and users about being racially abuse and/or attacks. Many reports of COVID-19 related racial incidents towards Chinese, Thai, Korean, Singaporean and people with East and South East appearance. This trend is on-going.
As a result of the Hong Kong National Security Law, HCCS received a large number of enquiries about HK BNO Pathway to Citizen. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office is anticipating up to 200,000 Hong Kongers will exercise their British National rights to come to settle in the UK.
HCCS received a number of enquiries about asylum application from young Hong Kongers who do not qualify for HK BNOs.
4. 諮詢服務
A 自新冠病毒爆發以來,本會收到了許多會員及訪者就關於種族歧視和/或受襲擊的求助。新聞報導多宗與新冠病毒有關的種族事件,針對華人,泰國人,韓國人,新加坡人以及有東方面孔人士的刑事案件。這種趨勢仍在持續。
B. 因為《香港國家安全法》,本會收到了多宗有關“香港英國海外國民” 來英國定居的查詢。外交和聯邦事務部預計多達20萬香港人將行使其英國海外國民權利來英國定居。
C. 本會收到了來自因不符合香港英國海外國民資格的香港人查詢有關政治庇護申請的詢問。
5. Ageing Better - Reduce Isolation Project
This is an action research programme to study the impact of community activities towards the social, physical and mental state of older people. The Project is part of a national research funded by the National Lottery in partnership with the University of East London to conduct the research.
Table tennis has always been a popular activity amongst HCCS members. HCCS had supported this service on a voluntary basis for a number of years. In early 2019 this activity was stopped for a few months due to lack of fund.
HCCS selected table tennis as the activity to bring older people together, and to take part in the survey. HCCS obtained funding from the Age Better Reduce Isolation programme,1 day per week for 18 months, using table tennis as activity medium, and surveys to track the social, physical and mental state of participants before, during and after the programme.
The programme requires that participants complete a questionnaire every 6 months. HCCS is required to attract 60 participants to take part. We now have a Table Tennis Club every Tuesday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm regularly attended by about 25 older people. We supplied the initial questionnaires return to the programme.
5. 優化長者生活 – 減少孤獨項目
本會選擇了乒乓球作為把長者團聚在一起,並參加這研究的活動。我們以乒乓球作為活動媒介,從“優化長者生活 – 減少孤獨項目”中獲得為期18個月,每週1天的資助。並進行問卷調查,以追踪該項目實施前,實施中和實施後參與者的社會,身心狀況。該項目要求參與者每6個月完成一次問卷調查。
6 Well-Beings Projects
Alongside the lunch clubs as the anchor programme, HCCS offers a range of health and well- being activities, such as mahjong, table tennis, karaoke and card games are regular activities on luncheon days. These activities are supported and organised together with volunteers.
HCCS run a number of classes and activities:
Calligraphy Class: In summer 2019, Harry Ho held a 10 week programme teaching calligraphy.
English as a second language class: In February 2020, in conjunction with Lime House Project, we held a 12 week English class.
Ballroom Dance and Latin Dance Classes: In September 2019, HCCS held a 10 week programme teaching Ballroom dance and Latin Dance.
Chinese medicine consultation: Dr Qiao is a retired Chinese medicine practitioner, he held a bi-weekly surgery for 6 months providing free consultation to HCCS members.
Outings/day trips: During the last year, HCCS organised to Kew Garden, Great Yarmouth, Rye and Chilham. This is a popular programme often oversubscribed.
Lion Dance class: In 2020, Master Ho Lai Shang starts the Hackney Chinese Centre Lion Dance troupe, training every Wednesday 11:00am to 12:30pm.
Cinema Club: A number of film shows have taken place in the last year.
6. 文娛活動
英語斑:2020年2月,我們與Lime House Project合作舉辦了為期12週的英語課程。
郊遊/一日遊:在去年,中心舉辦了多次一日遊去Kew Garden, Great Yarmouth, Rye和Chilham等活動。這活動是很受歡迎,經常都被超額報名。
舞獅班:2020年,何禮常師父創辦克尼中心醒獅團,每星期三11:00 am至12:30 pm進行訓練。
7. COVID-19 Emergency services
As the new Coronavirus outbreak there are reports of Chinese and East & South East Asian communities experiencing racism and racial attacks. HCCS also received reports from its members, users and volunteers of being racially abused and attacks.
HCCS is working in conjunction with the Hackney Council Community Safety Officer and the Metropolitan Police Hackney and Tower Hamlet Hate Crime Unit to raise the awareness on the services available to victims of race crimes. We produced information leaflets in 7 E&SE Asian languages: Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and Nepali plus English to advice on what to do when experiencing Racism or racist attacks. The FORE RAFT Fund approved grant for HCCS to print the leaflets into booklets and to distribute to East and SE Asian community. You may download the leaflet at the following link:
HCCS group activities were closed between 18 March to 5 July 2020 due to the lockdown. During the lockdown, we called our members and users every week to ensure that they are properly supported in food, medicine, face mask supplies and physical & mental health well beings.
Our Advice Service remained open throughout the lock down, assisting users to access emergency food, furlough enquiries, and benefit applications.
7. 新冠狀病毒禁足期的服務
本會與克尼市議會社區安全主任和大都會警察-克尼和塔橋仇恨罪案組一起合作以提高東亞社群對種族犯罪受害者的服務和認識。我們出版了七種東/東南亞語文的資料傳單:中文繁體,中文簡體,越南文,日文,韓文,泰文和尼泊爾文, 加上英文本,提供資料當遇到種族主義或種族主義攻擊時該怎麼做。 Fore RAFT基金資助中心將傳單打印成小册子,分發給東亞和東南亞社群。你可以利用以下的連結下載小册子
8. Yee Hong Elderly Foundation
In June 2019, HCCS reported to the Charity Commission on the missing financial information or documentations regarding the Yee Hong Elderly Foundation with the departure of the previous manager Mr I. Yau in 2015.
The Charity Commission is satisfied that the trustees elected in 2018 were dealing with the matter appropriately and responsibly.
The Charity Commission acknowledged the lack of records in Yee Hong Elderly Foundation’s affairs, and advised the trustees to report the matter to Action Fraud and to the Charity Commission Serious Incident Report if the trustees find further evidence that any funds were misapplied outside the charity.
8. 怡康長者護理安老院
9. Future Development
HCCS recognises that current conditions in tight public finance will continue in the foreseeable future, we are aware that the future lies in our abilities to generate incomes to support community activities.
We are working on the Old Bath House project as a potential self generating incomes project. Since August 2017, HCCS has been working with the Council on the plan to move to the Old Bath House to provide community services to serve the Chinese and Vietnamese communities. Over the last couple of years the project developed to adopt its mission to establish the Old Bath House as a resource centre for the East and South East Asian communities.
The Old Bath House has fallen into disrepair and many parts of the building is dilapidated, and the design is outdated requiring modernisation.
9. 未來展望
A. Landlord’s Works (業主合規工程)
In August 2018, Hackney Council approved a budget of £400,000 to carry out landlord works to the structure of building. It is estimated that landlord works will commence in June 2020 and complete in autumn 2020.
HCCS as the incoming tenant will need to find resources to renovate the interior of the building.
B. Community Kitchen (社區廚房)
In the summer of 2019, HCCS in conjunction with Kanlungan, carried out a Crowdfund London campaign on the Spacehive platform to raise fund to equip the community kitchen in the Old Bath House. The crowdfund campaign won the backing from the London Mayor and supporters raised £53,360. However Kanlungan decided to withdraw from the Community Kitchen in October. HCCS refunded the pledges from Kanlungan supporters, total £4,435 (8% of the total amount raised).
The community kitchen will be opened to local people for training in East & Southeast Asian cuisines, social entrepreneurs to demonstrate their culinary skills, as pop up restaurants to showcase the rich diversity in cultures and food traditions. It will also support the provision of the lunch clubs for older people in the local area.
The works on the community kitchen will commence soon after the Landlord works is completed, estimated to be around spring 2021.
在2019年夏季,克尼華人中心與菲律賓社區團體 Kanlungan 一起在Spacehive 平台上進行了倫敦眾籌活動,籌集資金為“舊澡堂”的社區廚房配備設施。眾籌活動贏得了倫敦市長的支持,籌集了53,360英鎊。但是,Kunlungan在10月決定退出社區廚房項目。克尼華人中心退還了Kanlungan支持者的認捐,退款總額為 4,435英鎊(佔項目總額的8%)。
C. Jun Mo Generation (振武會)
Jun Mo Generation is a Hackney base community group formed in 1992 at a time when Hackney youth street crime was a major social problem. It provides martial arts, fitness, arts and carnival activities to local community to bring local community together.
It represented Hackney Council in the Paralympics handover, Olympic handover, and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, and many other activities and carnivals. It also is the winner of many Notting Hill Carnival awards and Hackney Carnival awards. Jun Mo Generation’s founders received the Hackney Mars De Gras awards in contributions to education and contributions to the sports industry.
Jun Mo Generation is a delivering partner with HCCS in developing a programme of services and activities in the OBH.
振武會代表克尼市議會參加了殘奧會和奧運運的移交儀式、英女皇金禧慶典,以及其他許多活動和嘉年華節。它是諾丁山嘉年華節獎項和克尼嘉年華節獎項的多次得主。振武會的創始人曾獲得Hackney Mar De Gras獎,以表彰其對教育和體育事業的貢獻。
振武會是克尼華人社會服務中心的合作夥伴,一同發展在舊澡堂的社區服務 和活動。
D. Potluck Club (烹飪交流會)
Jenny Lau is a food blogger, she initiated and developing the Potluck Club project in August 2019, using food as the medium to bring people from E&SE Asia together.
The Potluck Club is a collective of food enthusiasts and entrepreneurs who meet regularly at our centre to share innovative dishes and share experience in food businesses. Club members are predominantly from East and South East Asian heritage sharing experience as second generation E&SEA migtrants and provide mutual support to each others. The Club now has over 100 members. The Potluck Club is a delivering partner with HCCS in developing a programme of services and activities in the OBH.
Jenny Lau是一位成功的美食博客,她於2019年8月發起並開展了烹飪交流 會, 以食品為媒介將來自東亞的人們團聚在一起。
E. Good Growth Fund (倫教市長的優良成長基金)
Following the success of the Crowdfund London campaign, HCCS has applied to the Mayor’s Good Growth Fund for £400,000 to renovate and redesign the interior of the Old Bath Community House.
The Good Growth Fund application is a three stage process whereby the first stage gave an outline of the project, if selected for the second stage we are required to submit detailed plan for assessment, if success in second stage will be approved for work to be commenced. Our application is selected to proceed to Stage 2, unfortunately it has not been successful to proceed to the final stage due to GGF run out of budget.
We will continue to seek funding for the interior renovation of the Old Bath House. The current plan is that if we are not successful in getting capital funding, we will continue fund raising and to deploy the surplus generated from the community kitchen to improve the interior by stages.
優良成長基金的申請是一個三階段流程,其中第一階段概述項目,如果項目附合基金的政策及有高成功概率,才被甄選到第二階段。第二階段則需要提交詳細的工程評估計劃,如成功通過第二階段, 可以開始工程項目,資金將會在第三 階段,以每項工程,逐一支付,直至完工。我們的申請成功地通過第一階段,可惜基金因資金不足而未能給與我們資助。
10 Financial Summary 財務簡介
In 2017/2018 financial year, HCCS was barely survived by the kind supports of the members and Lunch Club. There was an incomes surplus of £3k.
In 2018/2019 financial year, this was a difficult year, although there was slight improvement in funding situation. There had been a substantial reduction in the Chinese school fees, but the level of expenses in the School remained high. This financial year was making a loss of £34k.
The official financial report for 2019/2020 financial year is not due to be reported until end of December 2020. We can report that HCCS has successfully obtained funding from more sources: including Advice Project, BAME Project and a couple smaller one-off funding. We also improved our earning abilities by promoting venue letting. This financial year has made a surplus of £34k before the extraordinary item, upon writing off the investment made under Yee Hong Elderly Foundation on green field land. Our net surplus for the year is £1k.
We would like all members to note that during the previous last 3/4 year, the centre was run by 4 part time officers, all are working near or above full time capacity.
At the beginning of 2020 this year, the forecast for 2020/2021 was healthy with a slight surplus. However, the Corona virus lockdown means big disruption to our activities and incomes. We are yet to evaluate the full impact of this.