Vaccination for people with learning disabilities
The Joint Committee for Vaccination recommended that people with learning
disabilities (LD) should be prioritised for vaccination. People who are on their GP’s LD register will receive the jabs now, regardless of their age. People on the register will be contacted by their GPs, otherwise they are advised to contact their GP to ensure they are on the register.
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People with learning disabilities are six times more likely to contract and die from COVID-19, and this new decision has come about after months of campaigning by people with learning disabilities and their families.
Vaccination for people age 40 and above
The vaccination programme is making good progress and the government is now offering jabs to people aged 40 and over. This is well ahead of its original timetable and hopefully will be good support for the easing of the lockdown.
Vaccine efficacy studies
UK Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, announced that there are currently three studies on the effectiveness of the vaccines. Preliminary results suggest that both vaccines provide effective protection.
The first study on health workers shows that after the first dose, there is a 72% reduction in people developing mild infections. The second study by Public Health England, shows that the vaccines reduce the chances of older people catching the virus and developing mild disease by 50%. The chance of these people going into hospital was reduced by a further 50%. The third study by Scotland confirms that Pfizer offers 85% protection while the Oxford vaccine offers over 90% protection against the virus.
Support for students to catch up on education
The Government has announced a £720m financial package to help pupils catch up on their education during their summer holidays. The package will include weekly tutoring, with one to one sessions, extending school days and increasing mental health and wellbeing support for children.
In contrast, concerns have been raised that this would put more pressure on the children. Children have missed significant social contact during lockdown and they should be able to socialise and have fun during the summer holidays.
Contact 或聯絡 Ms Wai Ha Lam 林慧霞on 07761 705553 if you need further support.
接種疫苗聯合委員會 (Joint Committee for Vaccination) 建議將弱智人仕納入優先接種疫苗名單之內。所有在家庭醫生的弱智人仕名單內的人都會被安排接種疫苗。弱智人仕應聯絡他們的家庭醫生以確保他們的名字在名單內。
英國首席醫療官員 Chris Whitty 宣佈現時有三項有關疫苗有效性的研究正在進行中。初步結果顯示兩種疫苗均能有效地抵抗新冠病毒。
第一項研究的對象是醫護人員。結果顯示疫苗減低感染率逹七成之多。第二項研究是由英國公共衛生局 (Public Health England) 負責,結果指出疫苗能減低老人感染病毒一半的風險,再減低他們需入院一半的風險。第三項研究在蘇格蘭進行,証實輝瑞疫苗有八成抵抗病毒的效應而牛津則有九成的效應。
Contact 或聯絡 Ms Wai Ha Lam 林慧霞on 07761 705553 if you need further support.
接种疫苗联合委员会(Joint Committee for Vaccination)建议将弱智人仕纳入优先接种疫苗名单之内。 所有在家庭医生的弱智人仕名单内的人都会被安排接种疫苗。 弱智人仕应联络他们的家庭医生以确保他们的名字在名单内。今次联委会的决定是经过弱智人土及他们家人多月来努力争取得来的,因为弱智人仕感染新冠病毒的机会比常人高出六倍之多。
接种疫苗计划进行顺利,政府现准备为四十岁或以上的人仕接种疫苗。 这比预期的时间表为早,期望能配合解封的路程表。
英国首席医疗官员Chris Whitty宣布现时有三项有关疫苗有效性的研究正在进行中。初步结果显示两种疫苗均能有效地抵抗新冠病毒。
第一项研究的对象是医护人员。 结果显示疫苗减低感染率逹七成之多。 第二项研究是由英国公共卫生局(Public Health England)负责,结果指出疫苗能减低老人感染病毒一半的风险,再减低他们需入院一半的风险。 第三项研究在苏格兰进行,证实辉瑞疫苗有八成抵抗病毒的效应而牛津则有九成的效应。
Contact 或聯絡 Ms Wai Ha Lam 林慧霞on 07761 705553 if you need further support.