On 11 April 2021, over a hundred Chinese undocumented migrants were able to have their first COVID vaccine injections. This was facilitated through the walk in vaccination service offered by Hackney Public Health, and was made possible with support from the Hackney Chinese Community Services, the London Chinese Catholic Community UK, and a team of volunteer interpreters speaking in Cantonese and Mandarin. Many of the people going for their vaccines had not been registered with a GP practice, and do not have an NHS number. Although they have had significant concerns about catching COVID, they remained too afraid to approach any authority because of their immigration status.
Through the collaboration with the church, we were able to reassure them about their concerns of immigration status. With the Chinese organisations providing support and acting as intermediaries, the whole process was very efficient and gave those who attended confidence that their identities will be protected. The experience has been very positive. It demonstrates the need for us to support such vulnerable members of our community. They are often living in fear, and do not have the same access to health care and other rights as others in this country.
HCCS, will be working together, once again, with London Chinese Catholic Community UK and Hackney Public Health, to reach out beyond the initial 100+ Chinese people that were vaccinated. We will be holding another event for undocumented migrants in the near future.
If you would like to get in touch with us about this or speak to us confidentially, please contact Wai Ha Lam on 07761705553, where she will be able to let you know about the next date for immunisation, support you if you need to be tested or are showing symptoms of Covid 19, or signpost you to further services.
2021年4月11 日,由於克尼公共衛生處提供了不需預約的步入疫苗接種服務日,百多名的無證華人終能獲得疫苗接種。這日的安排由克尼華人服務中心及華人教會合作,背後還得到一班義工協助翻譯工作。 當天前往接種疫苗的人仕多半因為移民身份敏感而沒有登記家庭醫生,亦因如此,雖則他們擔心感染冠狀病毒但也不敢前往有關部門查詢如何可接種疫苗。
2021年4月11 日,由于克尼公共卫生处提供了不需预约的步入疫苗接种服务日,百多名的无证华人终能获得疫苗接种。 这日的安排由克尼华人服务中心及华人教会合作,背后还得到一班义工协助翻译工作。 当天前往接种疫苗的人仕多半因为移民身份敏感而没有登记家庭医生,亦因如此,虽则他们担心感染冠状病毒但也不敢前往有关部门查询如何可接种疫苗。
克尼华人服务中心通过与华人教会合作,向各人保证不会将他们的个人资料泄露。 得到各人的协助,当天的过程非常顺利,亦大大增加了各参与者的信心。 今次的经验更实社区中隐藏着一群弱势的华人,整日生活在惶恐中,得不到适切的医疗保障和权益。 为了能让更多人受益,克尼华人服务中心将会继续与各方合作在不久将来举办类似的服务日。