Boris Johnson today announced the lifting of most Covid-19 restrictions in England from 19 July, despite warning that infections would rise. Government health secretary, Sajid Javid also confirmed that the remaining Covid-19 restrictions will be lifted next week.
Javid said the government was acting “in a measured way” and had proceeded as its four tests had been met. These include the success of the vaccine rollout, a reduction in hospitalisations, the NHS still with capacity and that no new variants had arisen that caused concern.
The government confirmed, in a news conference, that under step four of the roadmap out of lockdown, starting on 19 July, all businesses would open, without capacity limits. Covid-related measures such as mask-wearing and social distancing would also end. Instead, this will be left to individuals’ responsibility, although ministers have said that people continue to be “expected” to act responsibly.
The order to work from home will also be lifted, and the government will “expect and recommend” a gradual return to work. Businesses and large event organisers will be encouraged to use a vaccine certification plan or so-called "COVID passports". They will be “supported and encouraged” by the government to use the NHS App to ensure proof of double-vaccination, negative test or recovery from coronavirus - in "high-risk" settings in order to limit infection.
Nevertheless, the need to self-isolate if you have tested positive for coronavirus will remain necessary. However, if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive you no longer have to self-isolate after 16 August for under-18s, and those who have received a second Covid vaccination at least 10 days before the contact. Border restrictions will continue, depending on the status of the country from which people have travelled.
Covid-related measures will no longer be legally mandatory despite the risk to the vulnerable and unvaccinated. Even so, today, UK reported 34,471 new cases and six more deaths, whilst yesterday, there were 31,772 infections and 26 deaths announced. Today marks the sixth day in a row where new cases have been over 30,000.
Mr Javid has admitted there may be up to 100,000 new cases a day in the summer.
As such, HCCS will continue to ensure Covid-19 safety measures will continue at our centre. We also recommend that individuals continue to take Covid-19 precautions where possible.
If you would like to get in touch with us about this or speak to us confidentially, please contact Wai Ha Lam on 07761705553, where she will be able to support you if you need to be tested or are showing symptoms of Covid 19, or signpost you to further services.
冠狀病毒限制將於7 月19日鬆解
總理約翰遜 (Boris Johnson) 今日宣佈由7月19日起,將會鬆解大部份因冠狀病毒行使的限制。雖則有專家警告鬆解限制可能會增加感染的風險,但衛生部長賈維德 Sajid Javid 確實下星期將會鬆解餘下的限制。
儘量留在家中工作的要求也會被取消,但政府“預計及建議”一個逐漸回公司上班的計劃。商業及大型活動主辦者應採用已接種疫苗証書或“護照”計劃。為了減低感染個案及在一些高危處所,政府會“支持及鼓勵”人們使用“國家醫療服務應用程式”(NHS App) 來證實他們已接種了兩劑疫苗、檢測呈陰性反應或是冠狀病毒康復者。
與冠狀病毒有關的管制將不會再以法律強行約制,雖然病毒對高危及還未接種疫苗的人士存在風險。今天英國便有34,471宗新感染個案及6名人士死亡,昨日的感染數字是31,772宗,過去6天感染數字都超越 30,000宗。賈維德先生亦確認夏天的感染個案每日可能會逹 到100,000宗。
总理约翰逊 (Boris Johnson) 今日宣布由7月19日起,将会松解大部份因冠状病毒行使的限制。 虽则有专家警告松解限制可能会增加感染的风险,但卫生部长贾维德Sajid Javid确实下星期将会松解余下的限制。
贾维德认为政府此举是经过仔细测量的,也符合了当初所定下四个测试准则; 包括成功推展疫苗接种、减低入院数字、医疗服务仍有应付能力及没有新变种病毒的忧虑。
根据政府的宣布,解封第四步表示所有商业将可无限制地运作,其他限制如穿戴口罩及社区隔离也会终止。 政府要求每个市民对防疫工作自我规范及负责。
尽量留在家中工作的要求也会被取消,但政府"预计及建议"一个逐渐回公司上班的计划。 商业及大型活动主办者应采用已接种疫苗书或"护照"计划。 为了减低感染个案及在一些高危处所,政府会"支持及鼓励"人们使用"国家医疗服务应用程序"(NHS App) 来证实他们已接种了两剂疫苗、检测呈阴性反应或是冠状病毒康复者。
不管如何,若你的检测结果呈阳性反应,你便必需自我隔离。 但自8月16日起,18岁以下的人士若曾与一个检测结果呈阳性反应的人接触,不需自我隔离,或若你与该人接触前10日已接种了两剂的疫苗,你也不用自我隔离。 边境管制维持不变,以国家情况作个别处理。
与冠状病毒有关的管制将不会再以法律强行约制,虽然病毒对高危及还未接种疫苗的人士存在风险。 今天英国便有34,471宗新感染个案及6名人士死亡,昨日的感染数字是31,772,过去6天感染数字都超越30,000宗。 贾维德先生亦确认夏天的感染个案每日可能会逹到100,000宗。
因此,克尼华人服务中心会继续在中心行使安全防疫措施。 我们亦建议各人继续小心防疫工作,以保你及家人的安全。
如果你需要任何与冠状病毒有关的咨询或保密谈话,请致电07761705553与林慧霞女士联络。 她能操英语、普通话及广东话。