Doctors of the World have provided general guidance regarding Covid-19 in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English.

Please note that the guidance was written on 15.12.20. This means that their guidance regarding lockdown is out of date. Please adhere to the current guidance which can be found here:
全球醫生 (Doctors of the World) 製作了以繁體中文及簡體中文書寫的冠狀病毒指南。但請注意這份指南是在二零二零年八月製作,因此,指南內有關封城的資訊未被更新。有關最新的封城指引,請前往以下網頁:
球医生(Doctors of the World)制作了以繁体中文及简体中文书写的冠状病毒指南。 但请注意这份指南是在二零二零年八月制作,因此,指南内有关封城的信息未被更新。 有关最新的封城指引,请前往以下网页: