COVID-19 vaccines are being offered to everyone in the UK, including undocumented migrants, free of charge. This includes people who have overstayed their visas, those on short-term visas who have failed to leave or those who have arrived into the UK without any visa. To ensure everyone can access the COVID-19 vaccination no matter what their immigration status, Hackney Council is working with local charities and doctors to set up pop-up clinics in the community to ensure ease of access to the vaccine and offer advice in a number of languages. These pop-ups will also be available for people who are homeless.
You do not need to bring any identification with you to get your vaccine. The vaccine is being offered for free on the NHS, to receive the vaccine you do not need proof of identity or immigration status and your identity and information will not be passed on to police or immigration officers.
“Your safety from coronavirus, which can cause severe disease and death, is our highest priority as doctors. Please come to get the vaccine when you are eligible for it – for example, when the NHS is calling for your age group to get vaccinated.” Dr Stephanie Coughlin, Hackney GP
There are currently seven GP practices in Hackney that are now open for new patients and are ready to accept patient registrations from migrants and those who are undocumented.
People who don’t have a GP, are being urged to look for the doctors nearest to their home and call the number, or visit the practice to get registered.
If you would like to get in touch with us about this or speak to us confidentially, please contact Wai Ha Lam on 07761705553, where she can support you if you need to be tested or are showing symptoms of Covid 19, or signpost you to further services.
1. Lawson Practice, 85 Nuttall St, London N1 5HZ Call: 020 3538 6044
2. Hoxton Surgery, 12 Rushton St, London N1 5DR Call: 020 3487 0200
3. Cedar Practice, 220 Green Lanes, London N4 2NU Call: 020 8036 6388
4. Lea Surgery, Alfred Health Centre, 186 Homerton High St, London E9 6AG Call: 020 8986 3106
5. Lower Clapton Surgery, 36 Lower Clapton Rd, London E5 0PQ Call: 020 8986 7111
6. Spring Hill Practice, 57 Stamford Hill, London N16 5SR Call: 020 8806 6993
7. Allerton Road Surgery, 34A Allerton Rd, London N16 5UF Call: 020 8802 2882
Hackney GP 斯蒂芬妮·考夫林博士醫生解釋說:「作為醫生,我們從冠狀病毒中獲得的安全是我們的首要任務,冠狀病毒可導致嚴重的疾病和死亡。當你有資格接種疫苗時,請來接種疫苗——例如,當NHS呼籲你的年齡組合來接種疫苗時。」
1. Lawson Practice, 85 Nuttall St, London N1 5HZ 020 3538 6044
2. Hoxton Surgery, 12 Rushton St, London N1 5DR 020 3487 0200
3. Cedar Practice, 220 Green Lanes, London N4 2NU 020 8036 6388
4. Lea Surgery, Alfred Health Centre, 186 Homerton High St, London E9 6AG 020 8986 3106
5. Lower Clapton Surgery, 36 Lower Clapton Rd, London E5 0PQ 020 8986 7111
6. Spring Hill Practice, 57 Stamford Hill, London N16 5SR 020 8806 6993
7. Allerton Road Surgery, 34A Allerton Rd, London N16 5UF 020 8802 2882
Hackney GP 斯蒂芬妮·考夫林博士医生解释说:「作为医生,我们从冠状病毒中获得的安全是我们的首要任务,冠状病毒可导致严重的疾病和死亡。当你有资格接种疫苗时,请来接种疫苗——例如,当NHS呼吁你的年龄组合来接种疫苗时。」
1. Lawson Practice, 85 Nuttall St, London N1 5HZ 020 3538 6044
2. Hoxton Surgery, 12 Rushton St, London N1 5DR 020 3487 0200
3. Cedar Practice, 220 Green Lanes, London N4 2NU 020 8036 6388
4. Lea Surgery, Alfred Health Centre, 186 Homerton High St, London E9 6AG 020 8986 3106
5. Lower Clapton Surgery, 36 Lower Clapton Rd, London E5 0PQ 020 8986 7111
6. Spring Hill Practice, 57 Stamford Hill, London N16 5SR 020 8806 6993
7. Allerton Road Surgery, 34A Allerton Rd, London N16 5UF 020 8802 2882