Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, HCCS has been supporting our community. Alongside this, we have been working in conjunction with the London Chinese Catholic Community UK to support our ESEA undocumented migrant community. We first reported our support for undocumented workers in our article here.
Since 11 April, through promotion and word of mouth, we have continued to register undocumented workers to receive their Covid-19 vaccinations through a local walk in clinic run by Hackney Public Health. We have gained the community’s trust and have helped allay their fears of reprisal due to their immigration status.
To date, we have helped vaccinate over 700 people, by coordinating their vaccination dates. On the day, our volunteers provide them with translation support, where we ensure they are aware of the risks and side effects of the vaccines. Together with Public Health Hackney, they facilitate their vaccinations in an organised and safe environment, and ensure the smooth running of the process throughout the day.
With this proven track record in working with Hackney Public Health, HCCS has recently won a bid to vaccinate the additional undocumented workers that are on our books. We are looking to work with Hackney at one of their centres to ensure maximum capacity. We are also looking to provide these community members with a health check up, something that they may not be able to readily access. Our support to these members will be organised by HCCS and supported by volunteer translators and health care professionals.
Although the majority of this community are Chinese, we have also had enquiries from Vietnamese, Malaysians, Japanese and Filipinos. We have been contacted by people of different ages. We aim to help all sectors of our ESEA community.
If you would like to get in touch with us about this or speak to us confidentially, please contact Wai Ha Lam on 07761705553, where she will be able to support you if you need to be tested or are showing symptoms of Covid 19, or signpost you to further services.

在冠状病毒肆虐期间,克尼华人服务中心一直在协助我们社区的人仕。 我们与伦敦华人天主教会合作,为东南亚社区的无证人接种疫苗。 请点击此处阅读有关我们给与无证人仕的支持。
自四月十一日起,我们与克尼公共卫生部合作,为无证人仕接种疫苗。 这群无证人仕一直因他们的移民身份而生活在恐惧之中,我们从这次的合作中,获得他们的信任。
到目前为止,我们已协助了700多名的无证人仕接种疫苗。 在接种疫苗时,我们的团队会提供翻译服务,让每个接种人仕能完全明白疫苗的风险、副作用及接种后的反应,我们的合作使整个流程能顺畅完成。
这次合作的成功使我们再次获得得克尼公共卫生部拨款为更多的无证人仕接种疫苗。 为了让更多人仕受惠,我们将会在其中一所疫苗中心举行活动。 由于很多的无证人仕都没有注册家庭医生,因此,他们未能全面照顾本身的健康,我们会在当日为到场人仕提供一些基本保健服务。 今次的活动由克尼华人服务中心主办,并获得多名义工提供翻译及专业服务。
虽然大多数的服务对象是华人,但我们亦收到其他东南亚地区人仕的查询,如越南、马来西亚、日本及菲律宾等,他们也来自不同的年龄。 我们的主旨是为东南亚区的人仕提供协助。 若你想获得更有关这方面的资料或一个保密的会谈,或想查询有关病毒检测事宜,请与林慧霞联络,电话:07761705553。