Last Wednesday, HCCS hosted an Emergency First Aid Training workshop for local organisations. Funded by the Hackney Lunch Clubs Network, we invited 12 staff from local organisations to attend the session.
These were members from Chatsworth Road, Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation, Hackney Cypriots Association, Halkevi and North London Muslim Community Centre. It was great to see our diverse organisations coming together to support our members from different cultures and backgrounds.
The workshop was hands on, teaching us how to deal with everyday emergency situations. We practiced doing a Heimlich manoeuvre, bandage an arm, and Learnt how to resuscitate a person.
Whilst we haven’t yet had to treat any of our members, but we found it an enjoyable and useful training day. Coordinated by Suj Ahmed from the Hackney Lunch Clubs Network, the workshop was an excellent opportunity for members to acquire skills and knowledge in how to deal with emergency situations.
During the day, our guests were invited to share a delicious lunch with us. Of course it was a success!