Omicron variant
This new variant was first found in South African 10 days ago. So far, nine cases of the Omicron variant have been found in the UK, one of which is in central London. In response, the Government has put in some temporary regulations to try to control its spread. From 30 November:
● Face coverings are a legal requirement in shops and on public transport or a fine of £200 will be issued.
● Those who have come into contact with an individual who may have been infected with the Omicron variant will need to self-isolate, even if you are fully-vaccinated.
● International arrivals from non-red list countries, who are fully vaccinated will need to isolate at home and take a PCR test on or before day 2 following their arrival. Permission to leave isolation only if this test result is negative. If the test result is positive, full 10-day isolation is required.
● Secondary school children should wear masks in the school’s communal areas.
The government will review these measures in 3 weeks’ time.
Stay Safe
It is important that you understand and manage the risk of catching the virus. Below are some tips to help you manage this risk.
● Try to meet people outdoor but if you have to meet indoor, make sure the room is well ventilated by opening windows.
● Wear face covering in crowded places and wash hands regularly.
● Try to work from home, if possible.
● If you develop COVID-19 symptoms, self-isolated immediately and get a PCR test, even if your symptoms are mild.
● Even if you do not have symptoms, take test regularly to manage your risk.
● Get vaccinated, this will protect a high level of protection against the virus and help to reduce the risk of new variant developing.
If you have any question on COVID or you would like support to get vaccinated or testing, please contact Ms Wai Ha Lam on 07761 705553.
这新变种病毒最近在南非被发现。 至现时为止,英国已发现了九宗新病例,其中一宗在伦敦。 为了防止病毒扩散,政府在11月30日起实施了一些新的规例:
● 在商店内及公共交通上都必需要穿戴口罩或面罩,违例者可被罚款200英镑。
● 若你曾与被疑感染变种病毒人仕接触,你便要自我隔离,即使你已接种了所有疫苗。
● 从非红色国家和已接种了所有疫苗的国际旅客,在进入了英国境后要在家中自我隔离,并在坻埗后第二天进行PCR 检测。 若这检测结果呈阴性反应,你便可停止自我隔离,若检测结果呈阳性反应,你便必需自我隔离10天。
● 建议所有中学生在校内的公众地方中穿戴口罩。
了解如何能感染病毒很重要,因为这将有助于你控制及减低感染的风险。 以下是一些可帮助你的建议。
● 尽量与人在户外会面。 室内会面要尽可能打开窗户,让空气流通。
● 在人多的地方要穿戴口罩及频洗手。
● 在可能情况下在家中工作。
● 若你呈现冠状病毒征状,即使征状轻微,也应马上自我隔离及进行PCR检测。
● 在没有征状的情况下也应常常在家中进行检测,以能提早获得警示。
● 接种疫苗,这可增强你的免疫能力及减低病毒变种的机会。
若你有任何疑问或需要协助接种疫苗或进行检测,请联络林慧霞女仕,电话: 07761 705553。
● 在商店內及公共交通上都必需要穿戴口罩或面罩,違例者可被罰款200英鎊。
● 若你曾與被疑感染變種病毒人仕接觸,你便要自我隔離,即使你已接種了所有疫苗。
● 從非紅色國家和已接種了所有疫苗的國際旅客,在進入了英國境後要在家中自我隔離,並在坻埗後第二天進行PCR 檢測。若這檢測結果呈陰性反應,你便可停止自我隔離,若檢測結果呈陽性反應,你便必需自我隔離10天。
● 建議所有中學生在校內的公眾地方中穿戴口罩。
● 儘量與人在戶外會面。室內會面要儘可能打開窗戶,讓空氣流通。
● 在人多的地方要穿戴口罩及頻洗手。
● 在可能情況下在家中工作。
● 若你呈現冠狀病毒徵狀,即使徵狀輕微,也應馬上自我隔離及進行PCR檢測。
● 在沒有徵狀的情況下也應常常在家中進行檢測,以能提早獲得警示。
● 接種疫苗,這可增強你的免疫能力及減低病毒變種的機會。
若你有任何疑問或需要協助接種疫苗或進行檢測,請聯絡林慧霞女仕,電話: 07761 705553。