As you may have seen in the news, the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has affected China, including Hong Kong and Macau. This has affected all of our communities in a number of ways.
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the UK
(Please scroll down to see the Chinese version below)
Following the outbreak, the NHS and Public Health England have put in place a plan to respond quickly and reduce potential risk from those who have symptoms of the disease or have recently travelled to China. Although there are now eight confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus, the disease is being contained effectively in the UK.
While the risk to the UK population remains low, we look to limit the potential risk of infection. The World Health Organisation recommends that those that have visited China, Hong Kong, Macau, or other areas affected by disease should exercise self-isolation for 14 days. During this period, if feeling unwell, you should immediately seek medical help, informing medical staff that you visited the affected area to ensure appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
There is more information on WHO site here: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
Their site recommends that everyone washes hands frequently, practices respiratory hygiene, maintains social distancing, avoids touching eyes, nose and mouth; and If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, to seek medical care early
Racism and Xenophobic Behaviour Unfortunately, due to the spread of the coronavirus, there has been an upsurge in cases of racism and xenophobic behaviour towards Chinese and East Asian due to misdirected fears about the virus. We are concerned with how this affects our members, and we are working with Hackney Council and Metropolitan Police Hackney and Tower Hate Crime Unit regarding this.
HCCS held a recent meeting with them, where they advised the following:
If you encounter or witness a racist incident or attack, or that you know the whereabouts of the perpetrator, call 999 immediately and tell the operator you are reporting a hate crime. An emergency response team will attend the scene. Tell the operator your location and a brief description of what is happening so the police can arrest the perpetrator to deter others from committing similar crimes.
If the perpetrator has gone and you do not know the whereabouts of the perpetrator, call 101 to make a report. Give as many details and specifics as possible on the location, time, description of the perpetrator(s) including their appearance or clothing. Remember to tell the police whether you believe the incident/crime is racially motivated. The Met is keen to monitor the problem and evaluate the situation to devise strategy to combat this problem. The data from your report will help build a picture on the extent and seriousness of the problem, and to identify patterns or hotspots.
You can also report a crime or a hate incident on line at the following link: https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/, again please give as much details and specifics as possible on the location, time, description of the perpetrator(s), and inform the police whether you believe the incident/crime is racially motivated.
An incident is a hate incident if the victim or witness perceive it as such. Not all race hate incidents are crime. An incident is a crime when there is mental or physical harm e.g. harassment , threat or physical injuries etc.
If you wish to find out further details from HCCS, please contact us and ask to speak with Jabez Lam.
「2019新型冠狀病毒」(2019-nCoV)疫情發展波及中國全國範圍, 包括香港、和澳 門等地。 這疫情是從多方面影响着我們 的社區。
在英國,國家保健服務(NHS)和英國公眾健康局(Public Health England 訂定了方案來處理那些有「2019新型 冠狀病毒」病徵或曾到訪中國受疫 情影响地區的人仕。需然在英國有八宗確疹「2019新型 冠狀病毒」的個 案,它是有效地受到控制的。
雖然這疫症對英國人口的危險屬低,我們亦盡力減低它可能傳染的危機。世界衛生組織 (World Health Organisation) 建議曾到訪中國、香港、 澳門或其他受疫影响地區的人仕自我隔離十四天。在這段時間如有不適或出現病徵應立即求診。並向醫務人員表明曾到訪的疫區。以確保適當治療和診症。
世界衛生組織網頁有更受多相關的資料: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
它建議大家勤洗手, 保持呼吸口腔衛生, 保持社交距離,避免擦眼、鼻 和口。如果你有發熱,咳嗽或呼吸困難,盡快尋求醫寮。
因應「2019新型冠狀病毒」疫情的擴展,在媒體渲染、誤導關於「2019新型冠狀病毒」的情況下,英國出現了針對華人和東亞人仕的種族主義 和仇外行為。對此本中心極度關注。