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The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine has been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to provide high-levels of protection against coronavirus (COVID-19) disease.
The AstraZeneca vaccine is produced in the UK and requires less stringent storage facilities. This means community health agencies, like your GP practices can administer the injections. The Government has decided to roll out the injection from Monday 4 January 2021 and evidence remains that increasing age is the single greatest risk factor. Therefore, the current recommendation is that groups continue to be vaccinated in the following order:
Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers
All those 80 years of age and over, and health and social care workers
All those 75 years of age and over
All those 70 years of age and over, and individuals deemed clinically extremely vulnerable
All those 65 years of age and over
Adults aged 18 to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality
All those 60 years of age and over
All those 55 years of age and over
All those 50 years of age and over
Vaccine suitability
Unlike the Pfizer vaccine, the Oxford vaccine can be given to pregnant women but should only be considered for use when potential benefits outweigh potential risks for the mother and baby. Women should discuss the benefits and risks of the vaccine with their healthcare professional. Women who are breastfeeding can also be given the vaccine.
Anyone with a previous history of allergic reactions to the ingredients of the vaccine should not receive it, but those with any other allergies such as a food allergy can now have this vaccine. If you are not sure, discuss this with your clinician.
Vaccine Dosage
This vaccine requires 2 injections but the second dose can be offered 4 to 12 weeks after the first dose. Protection is obtained around 2 weeks after the first dose. MHRA and the government’s advisory Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation surprisingly recommended vaccinating more people with the first dose to be prioritised above offering others their second dose for both the Oxford and Pfizer vaccines. They said this will provide the greatest public health benefits in the short term and save more lives.
Clinicians raised concerns over this new decision as they have to cancel scheduled appointments for individuals who had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine to receive their second dose. Pfizer also issued a statement and said that their vaccine was not designed to be used in two shots 12 weeks apart. They have no evidence that the first shot would continue to work beyond three weeks.
“Data from the phase 3 study demonstrated that, although partial protection from the vaccine appears to begin as early as 12 days after the first dose, two doses of the vaccine are required to provide the maximum protection against the disease, a vaccine efficacy of 95%. There are no data to demonstrate that protection after the first dose is sustained after 21 days,” they said.
There is some data from the AstraZeneca vaccine trials suggesting that extending the time to the second dose may be better than having the second dose earlier, but skipping the second dose is not advised, as the second dose may be important for longer lasting protection, however exact durations of protection are currently unknown.
Whilst the government has introduced the guideline to NHS medics that it is “reasonable’ to offer a second dose of different vaccines, if the first vaccine is not available, Public Health England (PHE) has stated that it does not recommend mixing COVID-19 vaccines from different suppliers.
Important Note
You CANNOT apply for the injection. All eligible individuals will be contacted by their health care agency with the offer of an appointment for the injection. The agency should have your details already, so you should not have to offer more personal information except to confirm your identity. This injection is FREE.
Contact 或聯絡 Ms Wai Ha Lam 林慧霞on 07761 705553 if you need further support.
牛津 AstraZeneca疫苗已獲「醫藥和保健產品監管局」Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)通過,認為可有效抵抗新冠病毒的感染。
每人需接受兩次疫苗注射。兩次注射之間可相隔4至12星期。在接受第一次注射兩星期後疫苗便會開始生效。可是,最近「醫藥和保健產品監管局」及政府資詢架構「疫苗及免疫接種聯合委員會 」建議,從短期公共衛生效益觀點來評估,政府就兩種疫苗都優先及大量進行第一次注射,將可為多些市民提供保障及減低死亡數字。
Contact 或聯絡 Ms Wai Ha Lam 林慧霞on 07761 705553 if you need further support.
牛津 AstraZeneca疫苗已获「医药和保健产品监管局」Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)通过,认为可有效抵抗新冠病毒的感染。
牛津疫苗在英国制造,它的存放要求也没有那么严谨。 这表示疫苗注射可在社区诊疗所中进行,如在家庭医生诊所内。 英国政府已决定在2021年1月4日开始提供这疫苗注射。 每人需要接受两次疫苗注射,但两次注射可相隔4至12星期之间。 证据显示年龄仍是这病毒的高危指数,因此,接受注射人士的优先排次如下:
牛津疫苗与辉瑞疫苗不一样。 孕妇是可以接受牛津疫苗注射,但应只在疫苗对妈妈与胎儿是利多于弊的情况下才可注射,孕妇应与医生商讨注射对妈妈和胎儿的好处及风险后才决定。 在哺乳中的妇女可接受牛津疫苗注射。
任何对疫苗的成份有敏感反应的人士都不应接受疫苗注射。 只是对食物或其他的物品敏感反应都可接受注射。 若你不确定便应向医护人员查询。
每人需接受两次疫苗注射。 两次注射之间可相隔4至12星期。 在接受第一次注射两星期后疫苗便会开始生效。 可是,最近「医药和保健产品监管局」及政府资询架构「疫苗及免疫接种联合委员会 」建议,从短期公共卫生效益观点来评估,政府就两种疫苗都优先及大量进行第一次注射,将可为多些市民提供保障及减低死亡数字。
这个建议引起不少医疗界人士的担忧,因为不少已接受了第一次辉瑞疫苗注射的人士本已约定了第二次注射的时间,政府的建议便表示他们要取消这些约会。 辉瑞公司亦马上发表声明表示疫苗临床测试并没有测试疫苗在12星期后的有效性。 声明说:
“数据显示辉瑞疫苗在第一注射后12天便可提供部份保障。 若要得95%的保障便必须要完成两次的注射,现时未有数据显示第一次注射后便可获得同样的保障”
某些测试数据显示,延迟牛津疫苗的第二次注射或许会比提早注射更好。 若要获得长期保障便一定要完成两次的注射,但保障有多长久就暂时未能确实。
你是不能申请接受注射的。 所有合格的人士会获邀前往注射。 联络你的医护人员手上已有你的资料。 除了确实身份外,你应该不需要提供额外资料。 请紧记疫苗是免费的。
Contact 或聯絡 Ms Wai Ha Lam 林慧霞on 07761 705553 if you need further support.