Dear member,

Following the lifting of lockdown, the Hackney Chinese Community Centre will be re-open from 06 July 2020. The centre will open on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday in the weeks beginning 6th and 13th July, with the view to resume full service from 20 July. As London continues to have new reported case of COVID-19, HCCS put in place a number of measures to minimise the risk of the disease when it re-open. We ask all members’ and users’ co-operation to comply with the measures. The measures include: • Taking body temperature of all visitors, and register it with attendance list, • use of hand sanitizer before entering the premises, • All visitors must wear mask when in the premises, except during consuming food and drink, • Wash hands every hour, • Keep social distancing, certain activities that may involve closer than 2 meter from the next person will require to wear face screen during the activities. Our lunch club will switch from communal food sharing to being served individual portion. To comply with social distancing rule, the hall capacity can only serve 20 dinners at a time. We will serve lunch by half hour slot sessions with the first session starts at 12:00 noon, each session will last 30 minutes, maximum 3 lunch session a day. Looking forward to see you soon.
在解除封鎖後,哈克尼華人社區中心將於2020年7月6日重新開放。 中心將於7月6日和13日開始的周一、週二和周五開放,預計7月20日起全面恢復服務。
由於倫敦繼續報告新的COVID-19病例,HCCS採取了一些措施,以最大限度 地降低該疾病重新開放時的風險。 我們要求所有會員及用戶配合執行這些措施。
•為所有訪客測量體溫,並在出 勤名單上登記
我們的午餐俱樂部將由共享食物改為單獨享用。 為了遵守社交距離規則,大廳一次只能供應20頓晚餐。 午膳時間為半小時,第一節午膳時間為中午十二時正,每節午膳時間為三十分鐘,每天最多提供三節午膳時間。