Two Covid-19 variants of concern, the Delta and the Beta variant and the recently identified Indian variant, have been found in areas of Shoreditch and Dalston. Hackney council urges everyone who lives or works in the affected areas to get a Covid-19 PCR test, even if you do not have symptoms, to help stop the spread of these variants in the community.
The areas are parts of Shoreditch, around Old Street and Great Eastern Street; and parts of Dalston town centre, around Dalston Lane and Kingsland High Street.
This only involves addresses in the following postcode areas: E8 2; E8 3; E8 4; N1 4; N16 8; EC1V 9; EC2A 3; EC2A 4; N1 6.
You can check by using the online postcode checker or area maps to see if your
household or workplace is being asked to test. https://hackney.gov.uk/test
Shoreditch 及 Dalston區浪湧式檢測 (Surge Testing)
最近在Shoreditch 及 Dalston區內都發現了南非變種病毒及印度變種病毒。克尼地區政
府呼籲所有在該兩區工作或居住的人土進行實驗室檢測 (PCR testing),即使你沒有任
受影響的地區為Shoreditch:Old Street及 Great Eastern Street的週圍;及部份 Dalston
市中心:Dalston Lane及Kingsland High Street一帶。
受影響的郵政地區為:E8 2; E8 3; E8 4; N1 4; N16 8; EC1V 9; EC2A 3; EC2A 4;
N16。你可前往克尼區政的網頁查看你工作或居住的地點是 否受影響地區之一:
Shoreditch 及 Dalston区浪涌式检测 (Surge Testing)
呼吁所有在该两区工作或居住的人土进行实验室检测(PCR testing),即使你没有任何
受影响的地区为Shoreditch:Old Street及 Great Eastern Street的周围; 及部份 Dalston
市中心:Dalston Lane及Kingsland High Street一带。
受影响的邮政地区为:E8 2; E8 3; E8 4; N1 4; N16 8; EC1V 9; EC2A 3; EC2A 4;