ICHIBUNS SOHO, 22 Wardour St, London W1D 6QQ
Newport Place, London (WC2H 7PR)
On August 29th starting at 11am, a memorial, seminar, lecture and workshop for the victims of the Zhengzhou floods will take place in London's Chinatown, in what will be the biggest event of the year for Chinese climate activists in the UK. The event will focus on the IPCC’s “Code Red for Humanity", recreating the events of the Zhengzhou floods, visualizing the close connection between the Zhengzhou floods, "the heaviest daily rainfall in local history", and the climate and ecological crisis. The aim is to start a climate dialogue among Chinese people in the UK.
Howey Ou (18), a prominent climate striker from mainland China, will be conducting a memorial for the victims of the floods. The simple yet symbolic performance recreates the scene of the disaster with white cloth-covered "remains", joss sticks and candles, and images of the disaster displayed inside the portrait frame. 5 students who survived the disaster, an older brother who jumped into the rapids to save others, a friend who crossed the street with a wall of humans but unfortunately fell behind, a child who was torn out of a submerged car, and the search and rescue dog who was sadly pulled down into the water...... Our symbolic scene allows passers-by to visualize the events that day, echoing the local floods in London, and feel the irreparable destruction and trauma that climate disasters bring to humanity.
In addition, Hong Kong climate activist Lau Hin-yi (12) will share his experience of the climate strike movement in the Chinese context, showcasing the courage and wisdom of Chinese activists in a dialogue and Q&A session with the audience. Chit Chong and Zizzi Wolf, both British activists from Malaysia, show how being both Chinese and climate activists influences their leadership in the face of racial and speciesist oppression. Finally, community art activist Keng Keng will invite the audience to leave patterns of extinct animals and ecological elements from traditional Chinese culture on clothing, or on traditional woodcut stamps as a memento.
A few words from Howey Ou:
"A month ago, while working from my home in London, I watched the water creep up onto the sidewalk and suddenly a strong fear rose up inside me. The unpredictability of the climate crisis, the real images of the recent Zhengzhou flood, and the immediate feeling that my life, at the age of 18, could end here, or that I could experience the same trauma as the flood survivors."
"It was really painful to see the video of the flood, the struggle of that man being washed away, the helplessness of people drowning in the subway. I felt like I had to do something before I died. I thought of this action the next day. Because more and more frequently the climate crisis will cause death, the end of life, at any time. This can give people the strongest feeling. The international students in the UK are concerned about their home country, so they must have an impact, so why don't we remember the pain together and turn it into action?"

ICHIBUNS SOHO, 22 Wardour St, London W1D 6QQ
Newport Place, London (WC2H 7PR)
除此之外,香港气候活动家刘衍一(12岁)也将分享在中国背景下的气候罢课运动经历,以对话和与观众问答的形式,展示出中国行动者的勇气和智慧。华裔气候行动者Chit和马来西亚华裔多议题活动家Zizzi,身兼华人和气候行动者的双重身份,面对种族和物种主义的压迫,是如何展现领导力的。最后,社区艺术活动家Keng Keng也将邀请观众,用传统木刻章,在衣物或上留下灭绝动物和中华传统文化中的生态元素的图案以作纪念。